Sunday, October 17, 2010


So scared.

I am running for secretary treasurer at school this year, and we have to make a speech.
I love public speaking but end up sounding like a mouse!!



Monday, October 11, 2010

I was so ready...

To unconditionally forgive you. I don't want a fight. But then I read everything you said, and how many people you brought in, and I don't want to anymore.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lots of rage posts... Sorry!

I stood by you, while you guys were in a fight, and now you come and criticize when you were in no way part of it? You don't even go to school with us anymore!! All anyone says to you is we miss you, how's school. And that's it!! So to attack me as well... You have shown, as well as they have, true biotch character.

True friends

At this moment, I love one of my friends to death... I can just vent and I know she'll be there, so for that <3


I take things more personally then you. All I wanted you to do was listen. Not point out what I did wrong, saying nothing about them, I just needed a shoulder to cry on. I have never felt so alone. Thanks.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Girls can be such bitches. Yes the one who's "queen bee" but there not the worst. It's your backstabbing friends that have the power to hurt you way worse than someone who doesnt know you. But when all goes wrong, you find who your true friends are, and we are in jr high. See you when we hit the real world, and those who get hurt become succesful and you get a minimal wage job, where people hate you because all you know how to do is gossip. See you there. Peace.